Sunday, February 12, 2012

Writing to my Unborn Child

As soon as I found out that we were expecting, I went out and bought a simple journal.  I knew that I would want to write to her before she was born to tell her how excited we are for her arrival and talk about what we had been doing to get ready.  My Mom has a journal that she wrote in when she was pregnant with me and when I was little.  It's something that I love to read.

I found that I am having a hard time writing to her regularly (much like writing in my blog regularly!).  I am still working full time, and other than that, there hasn't been much going on that seems exciting.  We don't have her room ready yet, I haven't had a baby shower, we only have a couple of friends and Nick's parents nearby so there isn't tooooo much doting on her yet.  I think that it will be easier for me to write to her once she is actually here, even though I never thought that would be the case.  I guess I just don't  have many feelings or events that I really want to share with her.

I can't wait for her to get here and for us to be able to hold her.  I am not nervous about how things will change or if I will be able to handle having a little life to take care of.  I know that there are things that I will need to learn, but I feel like I am a natural, and I am just so excited to begin this part of our lives.  These next 10 weeks can fly by and I will be fine with that!

Did anyone else write to their baby before he/she was born?  What did you write to them about?

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